Monday, 17 July 2017

Direct Shoot Organogenesis from Juvenile Cotyledon of Jatropha podagrica Hook

Jatropha podagrica is a shrub commonly known as coral nut, Guatemala Rhubarb and physic nut; and it belongs to family Euphorbiaceae. It is a tropical America innate, but similarly common in southern part of Africa, Australia and warmer portions of Asia.

Jatropha podagrica Hook
Jatropha originate from “jatros” the Greek word which means doctor also ‘‘trophe’’ food, that suggests the therapeutic practises. J. podagrica under the tribe Joannesieae of the family Euphorbiaceae comprises about 165-170 identified types worldwide primarily in tropical and subtropical areas. Jatropha is a tremendously adaptive plant thus it can grow in dry lands and degraded soils. J. podagrica is a very significant plant. It is a rich source of biologically active compounds, used for antimicrobial activities. It is also a famous ornamental plant and most remarkably, a promising biodiesel plant. Some of the many secondary metabolites extracted from J. podagrica are scoparone, 3-Acetylaleuritolic acid, fraxidin, japodic acid and erythrinasinate. Seed oil content varies among species from 30-38%. Farming of the Jatropha plant is a promising source of renewable energy (biodiesel oil). Read more>>>>>> 

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